$350 Online Study & Shopping Mission: Snacks & Chips

  • [members only content] is a well-established recruitment firm and service provider to the market research industry.
  • They are currently seeking individuals nationwide ages 18+ to participate in a new study about Snacks & Chips.
  • This will be a 2-phase research study.
  • Phase 1:
    — This will be a 5-day online community that will include 30 minutes of activities each day.
    — This phase will also include a shopping activity, which will involve going to a nearby grocery store to purchase specific items.
    — These activities will have easy-to-follow instructions and may include written responses, photo uploads, and recording and uploading video clips of yourself answering questions.
    — After your visit to the grocery store, you will be asked to prepare a dish using these items.
    — The research firm will reimburse you for the items you purchase up to $40.
    — To be reimbursed, you must upload a copy of your receipt to the online community when instructed to do so.
    — The online community and shopping trip must be completed between August 21st and 25th, 2023.
    — You will receive an incentive of $225 for completing this on time.
  • Phase 2:
    — Select participants will be chosen to complete a follow-up 90-minute online interview.
    — Qualified participants who complete the follow-up interview will earn an additional $125.
  • ✅ Take their screener here to apply: [members only content]