$225-$350 National Online Study About Men’s Health

  • [members only content] is a participant community and nationwide marketing research, translation, and transcription company.
  • They are currently seeking men nationwide, who have a specific health condition, to participate in a new study about Men’s Health.
  • This will be a 4-day online activity board with a daily time requirement of approximately 25 minutes per day.
  • As a requirement of this study, you will need to log in every day for 4 days to complete various activities and answer questions about your experiences on the Egg Mobile platform.
  • You will be asked to provide information about your condition.
  • The information that is collected is for research purposes only.
  • Members of the third-party client team may view your responses, but your personal information will remain highly confidential and will not be shared with the third-party client.
  • There is the potential to participate in a follow-up 60-minute online interview for additional compensation.
  • The online community will take place between August 28th and September 8th, 2023.
  • The follow-up interviews will take place between October 9th and October 20th, 2023.
  • All invited participants in the online activity board will receive $225 as a thank you for their time.
  • All invited participants in the follow-up interview will receive $125 as a thank you for their time.
  • ✅ Take their screener here to apply: [members only content]