$150-$350 National Online Study About Beauty Products

  • [members only content] is a well-established recruitment firm and service provider to the market research industry.
  • They are currently seeking individuals nationwide ages 18+ to participate in a new study about Beauty Products.
  • This will be a 2-phase online study.
  • Phase 1:
    — You will either be chosen to participate in an online interview with an intergenerational family member (i.e grandmother and granddaughter, mother & son, aunt & niece etc.) or individually in an online focus group.
    — During the screening process your recruiter will specify which group you qualify for.
    — The focus groups will last approximately 2 hours and participants will receive $150 as a thank you for their time and opinions.
    — The focus groups will take place at various times on either August 28th or 30th, 2023.
  • Phase 2:
    — Select participants from the focus groups will be given the opportunity to complete the follow-up online bulletin board.
    — Those who complete this phase will earn an additional $200.
    — The time commitment for the online bulletin board is undisclosed but it’s likely to be 2 hours.
  • Payments are usually sent within 3-6 weeks upon completion of the study.
  • ✅ Take their screener here to apply: [members only content]