$200-$365 National Online Study About Mobile Shopping

  • [members only content] is a well-established recruitment firm and service provider to the market research industry.
  • They are currently seeking avid shoppers nationwide ages 18+ to participate in a new study about their mobile shopping habits.
  • This will be a 2-phase online study.
  • Phase 1:
    — This will be a 10-day online community.
    — You will need to log in each day and complete activities such as sharing screenshots, written responses, photo uploads, and recording short video clips.
    — The first day’s activity will last 30 minutes and on the other days the activities will last between 5-10 minutes.
    — You will receive $200 for completing this phase of the study.
  • Phase 2:
    — Select individuals will be invited to participate in a 60-minute online video interview.
    — You will be paid $165 as a thank you for your time.
  • The study will take place between November 16th and 30th, 2023.
  • ✅ Take their screener here to apply: [members only content]